1997 Sibalom Youth Chess Tournament
P300.00 - TOMSIL Construction
P200.00 - Engineer Jose Occeña
P200.00 - Doctor Leila G. Osunero
P100.00 - SP Member Damian G. Marfil Jr.
P100.00 - SP Member Anselmo Pagunsan
P100.00 - Mayor Luis E. Baraquia
P200.00 - Vice Mayor Erick J. Lotilla
P100.00 - SB Member Sebastian V. Butiong
P100.00 - SB Member Joel S. Odango
P200.00 - SB Member Felipe D. Lacsama Jr.
P200.00 - SP Member Eric C. Otayde
P100.00 - SB Member Danilo E. Omadio
P100.00 - SB Member Galo Espiritu
P100.00 - Barangay Kagawad Febema Beray
P700.00 (?) - Representative Exequiel B. Javier
P500.00 - Governor Jovito C. Plameras Jr.
P200.00 - SP Member Anacleto Villavert
P100.00 - Cyndy's
P500.00 - an anonymous official of the association
P100.00 worth of Milo drinks - Nestle Philippines, Inc.
P100.00 worth of goods - SB Member Marylou P. Meneses
a few cases of Coke - Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc.
Total - P4,100.00 plus P100.00 worth of Milo drinks, P100.00 worth of goods, and a few cases of Coke
P1,000.00 - 10 trophies
P500.00 - first prize
P450.00 - second prize
P400.00 - third prize
P350.00 - fourth prize
P300.00 - fifth prize
P250.00 - sixth prize
P200.00 - seventh prize
P150.00 - eighth prize
P100.00 - ninth prize
P50.00 - tenth prize
P100.00 worth of goods - best female player
P350.00 - other expenses
Total - P4,100.00 plus P100.00 worth of goods
1997 Sibalom Chess Tournament
P500.00 worth of pharmaceutical products - Pascual Laboratories
P100.00 - approximate worth of wall clock from Senator Ramon Revilla
P500.00 (?) - Joel P. Occeña
Total - P500.00 (?) plus P500.00 worth of pharmaceutical products, and P100.00 worth of wall clock
P500.00 - various expenses
P500.00 worth of pharmaceutical products from Pascual Laboratories - prizes to the 10 winners and the best female player wall clock from Senator Ramon Revilla - an additional prize to the first placer.
Total - P500.00 plus P500.00 worth of pharmaceutical products, and a wall clock
1998 Sibalom Youth Chess Tournament
P3,000.00 - Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation
P3,000.00 worth of chocolates - Serg’s Products, Inc.
P1,000.00 - Jose M. Marfil
P500.00 - Engineer Reynaldo G. Importante
P100.00 - SB Member Felipe D. Lacsama Jr.
P100.00 - SB Member Sebastian V. Butiong
P100.00 - SB Member Joel S. Odango
P100.00 - SB Member Danilo E. Omadio
Total - P4,900.00 plus P3,000.00 worth of chocolates
P267.00 (approximately) - posters
P300.00 (approximately) - pre-tournament streamer
P272.00 - post-tournament streamer
P1,000.00 - trophies (ten)
P203.50 (approximately) - transportation
P32.00 (approximately) - telephone calls
P214.00 - postage
P21.00 - intermediate pad paper
P30.00 - ballpens (six)
P3.00 - mailing envelopes (four)
P3.50 - big bond paper
P430.00 (approximately) - food
P22.50 - photocopying of documents
P71.75 - recopying of photographs
P1.50 - paste
P8.00 - small brown envelopes (four)
P250.00 (approximately) - developing of photographic film
Total - P3,109.75
1998 Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P1,000.00 - Speaker Manuel B. Villar
P800.00 - Senate President Marcelo B. Fernan
P800.00 - Senator Teresa Aquino-Oreta
P800.00 - TOMSIL Construction
P800.00 - ANTECO
P500.00 - Representative Jovito C. Plameras Jr.
Total - P4,700.00
P366.75 - photocopying of documents
P349.00 - food
P32.00 - bond paper
P400.00 - transportation
P5.75 - mailing envelopes
P346.00 - postage
P43.00 - phone calls
P66.00 - faxing of documents
P183.75 - photographic film
P300.00 - post-event streamer
P200.00 - prizes
P250.00 - tokens of appreciation, etc.
P100.00 - folder for photographs
P100.00 - donation to DYKA for radio acknowledgement of major sponsors
P200.00 - developing of photographic film
Total - P2,942.25
1999 Pangpamatan-un nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P3,000.00 - Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation
P1,800.00 worth of pharmaceutical products - Pascual Laboratories
P1,000.00 - Philippine Sports Commission
P1,000.00 - Jose M. Marfil
P100.00 - SB Member Felipe D. Lacsama Jr.
P100.00 - SB Member Sebastian V. Butiong
P100.00 - SB Member Danilo E. Omadio
10 trophies - Municipal Government of Sibalom through SK Municipal Federation President Edwin G. Marfil
Total - P5,250.00 plus P1,800.00 worth of pharmaceutical products, and 10 trophies
P64.50 - photocopying of documents
P260.00 - post-tournament streamer
P225.00 - transportation
P509.00 - food
P100.00 - narra seedlings (ten)
P200.00 - name plate for the narra seedlings (ten)
P41.75 - phone calls
P20.00 - ballpens (four)
P27.25 - pieces of paper, envelopes, etc.
P45.00 - faxing of documents
P7.50 - paste (three tubes)
P149.00 - postage
P28.00 - pentel pen
P230.00 - developing of photographic film
P89.00 - photographic film (thirty-six shots)
P20.00 - tokens of appreciation (four)
Total - P2,016.00
1999 Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P1,000.00 - Senator Vicente Sotto III
P1,000.00 - Speaker Manuel B. Villar
P500.00 - Captain Humbert B. Lotilla
P500.00 - TOMSIL Construction
P500.00 - ANTECO
Total - P3,500.00
P366.75 - postage
P349.00 - photocopying of documents
P32.00 - transportation
P400.00 - phone calls
P5.75 - faxing of document
P400.00 - snacks (P200.00 was given to JPS and P200.00 was given to AIICC)
P43.00 - donation to DYKA for panuktok
P66.00 - money given to Efren Cordero for labor with regard to post-event poster and for the photocopying of the said poster
P183.75 - developing of photographic film
P300.00 - post-event streamer
P200.00 - money given to AIICC for lunch in Nagdayao and for other expenses
Total - P2,329.34
2000 Pangpamatan-un nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
? - an officer of the Sibalom Chess Association
Total - ?
Total - ?
2000 Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P55.00 - an anonymous official of the association
P500.00 worth of pharmaceutical products - Pascual Laboratories
Total - P55.00 plus P500.00 worth of pharmaceutical products
P25.00 (?) - postage (ordinary) for letters to Sally Fernandez, Teddy Bolivar, Vic Baguio, Eng’r. Tomas Occeña, and Ludovico D. Lim
P20.00 (?) - postage (speed mail) for letter Pascual Laboratories
P5.00 (?) - call to Pascual Laboratories
P5.00 - another call to Pascual Laboratories
Total - P55.00 (?)
2001 Pangpamatan-un nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P1,000.00 plus four tournament-size chess boards - Governor Salvacion Zaldivar-Perez
P400.00 - Representative Exequiel B. Javier
P400.00 - SB Member Jimmy Eco
P400.00 - Rural Bank of Sibalom
P200.00 - Vice Governor Roberto Q. Operiano
P200.00 - SB Member Norman C. Ovivir
P200.00 - Linlin's Store
P200.00 - Buenavista Cable
P200.00 - Henry Barcenal
P100.00 - SP Member Julito Osunero Jr.
P100.00 - Vice Mayor Inde V. Yan
P100.00 - SB Member Felipe D. Lacsama Jr.
P100.00 - SB Member Joel S. Odango
P100.00 - SB Member Robinson P. Morales
P100.00 - Municipal LNB President Crescencia Yan
P100.00 - Esther Grasparil-Autajay
P100.00 - Vicente B. Aguilar
P100.00 - Esther Mena-Sumido
P100.00 - Restituto Esparar
P100.00 - Magnolia Store
P50.00 - Engineer Jonathan G. De Gracia
P50.00 - Marilou P. Meneses
P50.00 - EN Rice Mill
Total - P4,450.00 plus four tournament-size chess boards
P79.00 - transportation
P70.00 - bond paper
P326.00 - photocopying of posters
P344.00 - photocopying of solicitation letters
P25.00 - marking pen
P10.00 - masking tape
P26.00 - correction fluid
P5.00 - pencil
P5.00 - paste (two tubes)
P564.00 - food
P107.00 - photographic film (twenty-four shots)
P230.00 - developing of photographic film
P18.00 - batteries (two)
P304.00 - gift certificates (nineteen)
P800.00 - cash prizes
P21.00 - white mailing envelopes (forty-three)
P200.00 - rent of tricycle
P159.00 - gasoline
P60.00 - streamer
Total - P3,354.25
2001 Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P1,200.00 - Representative Exequiel B. Javier
P100.00 - Enrique Salvani
P100.00 - SB Member Ludgero V. Magdaug
P100.00 - SB Member Sebastian V. Butiong
P100.00 - SP Member Eric C. Otayde
Total - P1,600.00
P500.00 - first prize
P100.00 - prize for best female player
P379.00 - lunch in Villar
P96.00 - photocopying of documents
Total - P1,075.00
Tulatula 2002 – Pangpamatan-un nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P200.00 - Henry Barcenal
P400.00 - Rural Bank of Sibalom, Inc.
P100.00 - Linlin's Store
P640.00 (approximately) - Vice Mayor Jose Inde V. Yan
P400.00 - SB Member Jimmy Eco
P400.00 - Atty. Bonifacio Alentajan
P200.00 - Pacita Bercero-Fetiza
P100.00 - Eng'r. Jonathan G. De Gracia
P100.00 - Esther Mena-Sumido
P100.00 - Lorna E. Huera
Total - P2,640.00
P640.00 (approximately) - hiring of a jeepney for the transportation of the finalists
? - other expenses
Total - P640.00 (approximately) plus ?
Maasin 2002 – Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P500.00 - Jose M. Marfil
P100.00 - SP Member Julito V. Osunero
P100.00 - Joel P. Occeña
P200.00 - TOMSIL Construction
P400.00 - Ramon Ambrosio G. Vego
P115.00 - registration
Total - P1,415.00
P224.00 - computer rental
P56.75 - photocopying of documents
P113.25 - photography (most likely developing of photographic film)
P60.00 - "sako" for streamer (?)
P400.00 - lettering of streamer
P360.00 - prizes
P14.00 - plastic
P2.00 - two tubes of paste
P321.00 - transportation
P300.00 - money given to MJTB's mother for lunch in Maasin
Total - P1,853.00
Insarayan 2003 – Pangpamatan-un nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P235.00 - registration
Total - P235.00
P12.00 - computer rental
P9.00 - transportation of a karaoke to the Sibalom ABC Hall
P6.00 - transportation of chess sets to the Sibalom ABC Hall
P3.00 - tricycle fare in going to Loriega Pharmacy
P90.00 - photographic film
P19.00 - two batteries (P9.50 each)
P3.00 - tricycle fare in going to MJE
P3.00 - tricycle fare in going to Bilband and then to the Sibalom ABC Hall
P3.00 - two copies of registration form
P9.00 - transportation of a karaoke and chess sets to the home of District I SK Chairperson Wilma Fe S. Vego
P3.00 - tricycle fare in going to the home of District I SK Chairperson Wilma Fe S. Vego to return the microphone
P2.00 - letter to SK chairpersons
P7.50 - fifteen copies of letters to SK chairpersons
P2.00 - letter to OIC-LNB President Edward Mental
P40.00 - eighty copies of announcement
P10.00 - twenty copies of 2001 results
P10.00 - twenty copies of 2002 results
P31.50 - colored paper
P6.00 (?) - scotch tape
P75.00 - photocopying of documents
P24.00 - computer printing
P15.00 - photocopying of letters about the finals
P3.00 - photocopying of financial reports
P38.00 - photocopying of financial reports and list of players
P7.00 - jeepney fare in going to the poblacion of San Jose de Buenavista
P3.00 - tricycle fare in going to Funda-Dalipe
P7.00 - jeepney fare in going to the Sibalom Municipal Plaza area
P3.00 - tricycle fare in going to Nice Nice
P3.00 - tricycle fare in going to the Sibalom Municipal Plaza area
P3.00 - tricycle fare in going to the PSCA area
P3.00 - tricycle fare in going to the PSCA area
P3.00 - tricycle fare in going to the Sibalom Municipal Market area
P210.00 - forty packs of Lucky Me pancit canton (P5.25 per pack)
P100.50 - three packs of Bear Brand 180 grams (P33.50 per pack)
P87.90 - two packs of Milo 300 grams (P43.95 per pack)
P37.00 - one pack of 8 o’clock 500 grams
Total - P895.40
Egaña 2003 – Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P100.00 - SP Member Eric C. Otayde
P100.00 - Vice Mayor Jose Inde V. Yan
P100.00 - SB Member Sebastian V. Butiong
P100.00 - SB Member Norman C. Ovivir
P135.00 - registration
Total - P535.00
P100.00 - lunch at Rusticus Restaurant for two officers of the association (ARGIII and JACR)
P96.00 - photographic film
P19.50 - two pieces of battery (P9.75 per piece)
P99.00 - computer rental and printing
P300.00 - lunch in Egana
P40.00 (?) - photocopying of documents
P122.00 - developing of photographic film
Total - P776.50
Cabariuan 2004 – Pangpamatan-un nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P400.00 - Rural Bank of Sibalom
P110.00 - registration
packed lunch for the participants, project manager and facilitators - Office of the Governor
Total - P510.00 plus packed lunch
P54.00 - transportation
P120.50 - photocopying of documents
P49.50 - eleven manila envelopes
P130.00 - ten reams of intermediate pad paper
P50.00 - ten Lotus ballpens
P77.50 - ten ninety-leaf notebooks
P30.00 - one Pilot pentel pen for the first placer
P25.00 - one My-Gel sign pen for the first placer
P15.00 - one roll two-inch scotch tape for the first placer
P28.00 - one Stabilo marker for the first placer
Total - P579.50
Bari 2004 – Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P500.00 - ANTECO
P200.00 - SB Member Juancho V. Garcia
P200.00 - Buenavista Cable TV
P200.00 - Pacita Bercero-Fetiza
P100.00 - Magnolia Store
P100.00 - SB Member Erlinda Odango-Niquia
P100.00 - Linlin's Store
P100.00 - SB Member Romeo A. Villarosa
P100.00 - Perla O. Loriega
P147.00 - registration
Total - P1,747.00
P40.00 - two pieces of hamburger (P20.00 each)
P16.00 - two bottles of Sprite (P8.00 each)
P65.00 - transportation
P80.00 - photographic film
P18.00 - two batteries (P9.00 each)
P34.00 - bread
P20.00 - lumpia
P32.25 (?) - photocopying of documents
P375.00 - computer rental and printing
P10.00 - pot
P290.00 - lunch in Bari
P102.00 - developing of photographic film
Total - P1,082.25
Sido 2006 - Pangpamatan-un nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P303.00 - registration
Total - P303.00
P100.00 - Epson ink refill (black)
P180.00 - one ream Cactus bondpaper
P7.00 - jeepney fare in going from the poblacion of Sibalom to Crossing Aldea
P5.00 - jeepney fare in going from the Crossing Aldea to Pangpang
P6.00 - tricycle fare in going from Pangpang to Villar
P10.00 - tricycle fare in going from the poblacion of Sibalom to Cabariuan
P7.00 - tricycle fare in going from Villar to Crossing Aldea
P7.00 - jeepney fare in going from Crossing Aldea to the poblacion of Sibalom
P35.00 - correction fluid
P7.00 - jeepney fare in going from the poblacion of Sibalom to Crossing Aldea
P5.00 - jeepney fare in going from the Crossing Aldea to Pangpang
P6.00 - tricycle fare in going from Pangpang to Cabariuan
P5.00 - tricycle fare in going from DYKA to Radyo Natin
P5.00 - tricycle fare in going from Radyo Natin to ANS
P5.00 - tricycle fare in going from ANS to Centillion area
P6.00 - jeepney fare in going from the Old Capitol of Iloilo to Bo. Obrero
P7.00 - jeepney fare in going from Bo. Obrero to UI
P5.00 - tricycle fare in going from the Sibalom Municipal Plaza area to the Fornier Elementary School area
P5.00 - tricycle fare in going from the Fornier Elementary School area (?) to the Sibalom Municipal Market area
P7.00 - tricycle fare in going from the poblacion of Sibalom (?) to Pangpang
P7.00 - jeepney fare in going from Pangpang to Cubay Napultan
P7.00 - tricycle fare in going from Cubay Napultan to the poblacion of Sibalom
P12.00 - jeepney fare in going from the poblacion of Sibalom to the poblacion of San Jose de Buenavista
P5.00 - tricycle fare in going from the poblacion of San Jose de Buenavista to Funda-Dalipe
P12.00 - jeepney fare in going from the poblacion of San Jose de Buenavista to the poblacion of Sibalom
P5.00 - tricycle fare in going from the Sibalom Municipal Plaza area to the PSCA area
P85.00 - snacks of ARGIII, an officer of the association; and LAE, the project manager of the event (two servings of spagehetti at P25.00 per serving, three pieces of banana cake at P5.00 per piece, and five pieces of fried lumpia at P4.00 per piece)
P60.00 - twelve-shot YKL photographic film
P23.00 - two Eveready AA batteries (P11.50 each)
P5.00 - tricycle fare in going from the Sibalom Municipal Market area to the District II Barangay Hall
P70.00 - taxi fare in going from the Nestle wharehouse in Iloilo City proper to the terminal in Molo of Antique-bound buses
P15.00 - service fee for the kargador
P40.00 - transportation from Molo to Sibalom of six boxes of Nestle products (P60.00 raad hay P10.00 per box pero P40.00 lang ang available nga kwarta)
P20.00 - given to JMV for the transportation of chess sets from her home in District I to Sido
P29.00 - given to Lacaron SK Chairperson Emerose Judilla for her trip to Sido
P7.00 - tricycle fare in going from the poblacion of Sibalom to Sido
P7.00 - given to LAE, the project manager of the event
P300.00 - given to JACR for food in Sido
P7.00 - tricycle fare in going from Sido to the poblacion of Sibalom
P5.00 - given to JMV for the transportation of chess sets from the Sibalom Municipal Market area to her home in District I
Total - P1,141.00
Iglanot 2007 – Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P2,500.00 - Senate President Manuel B. Villar
P500.00 - ANTECO
P600.00 worth of pharmaceutical products - Pascual Laboratories
? - registration
Total - P3,000.00 plus P600.00 worth of pharmaceutical products, and ?
P70.00 - computer rental at Bozland Computer Services (three hours plus several minutes at P20.00 per hour; October 16, 2007)
P60.00 - computer rental at Tri-Comp (October 16, 2007)
P91.00 - printing of documents at Tri-Comp (October 16, 2007)
P2.00 - long manila envelope at National Bookstore (October 16, 2007)
P64.00 - photocopying of documents at Sprintbee (October 17, 2007)
P12.00 - MRT fare in going from Ayala to Cubao (October 17, 2007)
P7.00 - jeepney fare in going from Araneta Center to Kalantiao (October 17, 2007)
P7.00 - jeepney fare in going from Kalantiao to Araneta Center (October 17, 2007)
P11.00 - bus fare in going from Cubao to Guadalupe (October 17, 2007)
P10.00 - jeepney fare in going from Guadalupe to Blueboz
P20.00 - cell phone load for Joseph Alvin C. Regacho (November 2, 2007)
P9.00 - photocopying of the front pages of solicitation letters (November 19, 2007)
P15.00 - cell phone load for the project manager (November 21, 2007)
P10.00 - cell phone load for Joseph Alvin C. Regacho (November 21, 2007)
P7.00 - tricycle fare in going from Southsea to C5 (November 29, 2007)
P10.00 - jeepney fare in going from C5 to Guadalupe (November 29, 2007)
P12.00 - MRT fare in going from Guadalupe to Taft (November 29, 2007)
P12.00 - LRT fare in going from EDSA to Vito Cruz (November 29, 2007)
P7.50 - jeepney fare in going from Vito Cruz to Senate (November 29, 2007)
P10.00 - jeepney fare in going from Buendia to Guadalupe (November 29, 2007)
P10.00 - jeepney fare in going from Guadalupe to Blueboz (November 29, 2007)
P5.00 - telephone call to Pascual Laboratories (December 7, 2007)
P15.00 - cell phone load for the project manager (December 9, 2007)
P100.00 - computer rental for seven hours of use (December 12, 2007)
P25.00 - five telephone call (December 13, 2007)
P10.00 - LRT2 fare in going from Cubao to Betty Go-Belmonte (December 13, 2007)
P10.00 - LRT2 fare in going from Gilmore to Cubao (December 13, 2007)
P33.60 - faxing of three documents (solicitation letter and two attachments) to Pascual Laboratories (December 13, 2007)
P20.00 - four telephone calls (December 14, 2007)
P10.00 - telephone call (December 14, 2007)
P3.00 - telephone call (December 14, 2007)
P15.00 - computer rental for one hour of use (December 15, 2007)
P60.00 - cell phone load (December 15, 2007)
P40.00 - computer rental for around one hundred ninety-two minutes of use (December 17, 2007)
P25.00 - six telephone calls (December 17, 2007)
P60.00 - cell phone load (December 18, 2007)
P30.00 - cell phone load (December 18, 2007)
P5.00 - telephone call to Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri’s office (December 18, 2007)
P20.00 - computer rental for one hour of use (December 18, 2007)
P5.00 - telephone call to Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri’s office (December 18, 2007)
P20.00 - computer rental for one additional hour of use (December 18, 2007)
P5.00 - telephone call to Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri’s office (December 18, 2007)
P60.00 - cell phone load (December 18, 2007)
P7.50 - jeepney fare in going from Blueboz to Market! Market! (December 19, 2007)
P7.50 - jeepney fare in going from Market! Market! To EDSA (December 19, 2007)
P10.00 - MRT fare in going from Ayala Avenue to Taft (December 19, 2007)
P21.00 - bus fare in going from Roxas Boulevard to Las Piñas (December 19, 2007)
P30.00 - cell phone load
P12.00 - tricycle fare in going from the vicinity of 7-11 to Masibay St. (December 19, 2007)
P30.00 - cell phone load for Lorena's sister (December 19, 2007)
P27.00 - bus fare in going from Las Piñas to Buendia (December 19, 2007)
P10.00 - bus fare in going from Buendia to Ayala Avenue (December 19, 2007)
P14.00 - FX fare in going from EDSA to Blueboz (kulang kang pesos ang bayad; December 19, 2007)
P60.00 - cell phone load (December 20, 2007)
P30.00 - cell phone load for the project manager (December 20, 2007)
P10.00 - jeepney fare in going from C5 to Guadalupe (December 20, 2007)
P12.00 - MRT fare in going from Guadalupe to the vicinity of Quezon Avenue (December 20, 2007)
P12.00 - MRT fare in going from GMA-Kamuning to the vicinity of Ayala Avenue (December 20, 2007)
P57.00 - computer rental at Netopia for nearly one hour of use (.83 centavos per minute (December 20, 2007)
P7.00 - jeepney fare in going from EDSA to Market! Market! (December 20, 2007)
P7.50 - jeepney fare in going from Market! Market! to Blueboz (December 20, 2007)
P10.00 - computer rental for one half hour of use (December 20, 2007)
P4.00 - printing of two pages (December 20, 2007)
P60.00 - cell phone load (December 21, 2007)
P60.00 - cell phone load (December 21, 2007)
P30.00 - cell phone load for the SK chairperson of Iglanot (December 21, 2007)
P60.00 - cell phone load (December 22, 2007)
P60.00 - cell phone load (December 22, 2007)
P60.00 - cell phone load (December 22, 2007)
P100.00 - honorarium of the skylab driver (December 24, 2007)
P67.00 - gasoline (December 24, 2007)
P300.00 - gave to the SK chairperson of Iglanot for kadyus-baboy-langka (December 24, 2007)
P60.00 - cell phone load (December 26, 2007)
P5.00 - tricycle fare in going from home to the PSCA area (December 27, 2007)
P20.00 - computer rental fee for one hour and fifteen minutes of use (December 27, 2007)
P12.00 - jeepney fare in going from Sibalom to San Jose de Buenavista (December 22, 2007)
P5.00 - tricycle fare in going from the vicinity of Pechueco Market to Gian’s (December 27, 2007)
P32.00 - Pastelle yellow boards (December 27, 2007)
P32.00 - Pastelle yellow boards (December 27, 2007)
P32.00 - Pastelle yellow boards (December 27, 2007)
P5.00 - tricycle fare in going from Gian’s to Centillion (December 27, 2007)
P20.00 - computer rental for one hour and fifteen minutes of use (December 27, 2007)
P24.00 - printing of twelve pages (December 27, 2007)
P25.00 - tricycle in going from San Jose de Buenavista to Sibalom (December 27, 2007)
P150.00 - honorarium of the skylab driver (December 28, 2007)
P118.00 (?) - gasoline (December 28, 2007)
P5.00 - tricycle fare in going from Gian’s to Centillion (December 27, 2007)
P96.00 (?) - packs of noodles as part of the prizes (December 28, 2007)
P100.00 - gave to the project manager as a refund for his expenses (January 5, 2008)
Total - P2,943.60
Ilabas 2009 – Pangpamatan-un nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P3,063.90 worth of lunch boxes and consumable products - Nestle
P500.00 - SB Member Zenaida E. Baraquia
P300.00 - SB Member Edgar D. Denosta
P100.00 - Linlin’s Store
Total - P900.00 plus 3,063.90 worth of lunch boxes and consumable products
P203.00 - printing of documents
P8.00 - computer rental fee
P80.00 - fee for sending of letter via LBC to the Nestle Sales Office-Iloilo
P33.00 - one ream of board paper
P40.00 - tricycle fare in going to Ilabas (kontrata)
P200.00 - motorcycle rental fee
P13.00 - jeepney fare in going from Sibalom to San Jose de Buenavista
P7.00 - tricycle fare in going from Gian’s to Centillion
P7.00 - tricycle fare in going from Centillion to St. Joseph Building
P20.00 - tricycle fare in going from St. Joseph Building to Buenavista Cable TV, Inc. and then to the van terminal
P130.00 - van fare in going from San Jose de Buenavista to Iloilo
P7.00 - jeepney fare in going to the Nestle Philippines Inc. - Iloilo Office
P50.00 - taxi fare from the Nestle Philippines Inc. - Iloilo Office to Molo
P135.00 - van fare in going from Iloilo to Sibalom
P5.00 - tricycle fare in going to PSCA
P5.00 - tricycle fare in going back to District 2
P15.00 - tricycle fare in going to Ilabas (P10.00 plus P5.00 as a matter of consideration)
P10.00 - tricycle fare in going from Ilabas to Cubay Napultan (kontrata)
P10.00 - jeepney fare in going to San Jose de Buenavista
P10.00 - tricycle fare in going to Buenavista Cable TV, Inc.
P7.00 - tricycle fare in going to the San Jose de Buenavista Trade Town
P13.00 - jeepney fare in going back to the Sibalom Poblacion
P50.00 - tricycle fare in going to Ilabas (kontrata)
P50.00 - part of the tricycle fare of participants in going from Ilabas to Cubay Napultan and to the Sibalom poblacion
Total - P1,108.00
Esperanza II 2009 – Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P500.00 - Governor Salvacion Zaldivar-Perez
P400.00 - Joel P. Occeña
P300.00 - an anonymous official of the Sibalom Chess Association
Total - P1,200.00
P50.00 - photocopy
P6.00 - folder
P2.00 - paste
P5.00 - ballpen
P20.00 - computer
P300.00 - fare and gasoline
P190.00 - snacks
P150.00 - cash prize for the first placer
P50.00 - cash prize for the second placer
P300.00 - kadyus-baboy-langka
Total - P1,073.00
Catmon 2010 – Pangpamatan-un nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P1,641.50 - an anonymous official of the association
Total - P1,641.50
P130.00 - computer rental in Makati
P10.00 - printing of solicitation letter and deed of donation
P32.50 - faxing of solicitation letter to the West Visayas regional office of Nestle Philippines Inc. (located in Iloilo City; wara ma-aksyonan kang Nestle ang solicitation letter hay wara didto sa anda nga opisina ang anda nga regional head kang amo to nga mga inadlaw)
P32.00 - transportation in Makati
P400.00 - kadyus-baboy-langka and other expenses (sent to the assistant project manager)
P800.00 - packs of instant mami, computer rental in Sibalom, printing of documents, and other expenses (sent to the project manager)
P87.00 - service fee paid to Palawan Pawnshop for the three times that money was sent to Antique
P30.00 - cell phone load for the SK chairperson of Catmon
P50.00 - cell phone load for the assistant project manager
P70.00 - cell phone load for the project manager
Total - P1,641.50
Villahermosa 2010 – Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P1,505.00 - an anonymous official of the association
Total - P1,505.00
P32.00 - transportation in Makati
P60.00 - service fee paid to Palawan Pawnshop for the two times that money was sent to Antique
P25.00 - cell phone load for the project manager
P50.00 - cell phone load for the assistant project manager
P10.00 - printing of list of members
P558.00 - Lucky Me instant mami
P300.00 - kadyus-baboy-langka
P90.00 - two bottles of Coke 1.5 liter
P30.00 - computer rental
P100.00 - photocopying of documents
P50.00 - snacks of assistant project manager
P100.00 - gasoline and transportation fare in Sibalom
P100.00 - live native chicken for the first placer
Total - P1,505.00
Catungan II 2011 - Pangpamatan-un nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P2,048.43 - an anonymous official of the association
P300.00 worth of hotdog sandwiches and P120.00 worth of Pesi drinks (12 bottles) - SB Member Zenaida E. Baraquia
Total - P2,048.43 plus P420.00 worth of hotdog sandwiches and Pepsi drinks
P4.00 - printing at a computer shop along Southsea St. of a copy of a tournament table (4 pages)
P20.00 - printing at a computer shop along Southsea St. of 10 copies of a record form (2 pages per copy)
P2.00 - printing at a computer shop along JP Rizal St. of a letter to the Barangay Council of Catungan II (1 page)
P4.00 - printing at a computer shop along JP Rizal St. of 2 copies of an announcement (1 page per copy)
P2.00 - printing at a computer shop along JP Rizal St. of a letter to the municipal agriculture officer (1 page)
P2.00 - printing at a computer shop along JP Rizal St. of a letter to the regional filed operations executive of Nestle Philippines, Inc. (1 page)
P18.00 - printing at a computer shop along JP Rizal St. of 3 copies of "Individuals and Organizations that, as of December 14, 2010, Have Invested at least One Hundred Pesos -- or Goods Whose Worth was at least that Amount -- in the Projects of the Association" (3 pages per copy)
P2.00 - printing at a computer shop along JP Rizal St. of the "Deed of Contribution" for Nestle Philippines, Inc. (1 page)
P2.00 - printing at a computer shop along JP Rizal St. of a letter to SB Member Sebastian V. Butiong (1 page)
P2.00 - printing at a computer shop along JP Rizal St. of a letter to SB Member Zenaida E. Baraquia (1 page)
P4.00 - printing at a computer shop along JP Rizal St. of 2 copies of the "Deed of Contribution" for SB members (1 page per copy)
P4.00 - printing at a computer shop along JP Rizal St. of 2 copies of a pre-event radio report (1 page per copy)
P12.00 - printing at a computer shop along JP Rizal St. of 2 copies of "Mga Partisipante" (3 pages per copy)
P12.00 - printing at a computer shop along JP Rizal St. of 3 copies of "Pangbukas nga Seremonya" (one leaf with back-to-back print per copy)
P15.00 - printing at a computer shop along Southsea St. of 30 copies of the provincial theme song document (1/2 page per copy)
P8.00 - printing at a computer shop along JP Rizal St. of 2 copies of "Mga Surundon tuhoy sa Paindis-indis" (2 pages per copy)
P8.00 - printing at a computer shop along JP Rizal St. of 2 copies of "Rules of the Competition" (2 pages per copy)
P12.00 - printing at a computer shop along JP Rizal St. of 3 copies of "Pangtakup nga Seremonya" (one leaf with back-to-back print per copy)
P8.00 - printing at a computer shop along JP Rizal St. of 2 copies of a post-event radio report (2 pages per copy)
P4.00 - printing at a computer shop along JP Rizal St. of a post-event press release (2 pages)
P52.50 - photocopying of an announcement 35 times (1 page)
P1.50 - photocopying of a letter to the Barangay Council of Catungan II (1 page)
P9.00 - photocopying of a press release 6 times (2 pages)
P45.50 - Flamingo board (10 pieces)
P9.10 - Flamingo board (2 pieces)
P5.58 - Mongol Number 1
P63.00 - sign pen
P70.00 - Pilot ballpen
P8.50 - pencil sharpener
P16.75 - Orion ruler
P155.00 - LBC service charge for the sending from Taguig to Antique of a package containing certificates, a sign pen, a ballpen, and a pencil
P28.00 - Palawan Pawnshop service charge for the sending from Makati to Antique of P400.00
P160.00 - pork for kadyus-baboy-langka (the total cost of kadyus-baboy-langka is P230.00)
P30.00 - kadyus for kadyus-baboy-langka
P30.00 - jackfruit for kadyus-baboy-langka
P5.00 - batwan for kadyus-baboy-langka
P5.00 - ginger for kadyus-baboy-langka
P80.00 - fish
P15.00 - cooking oil
P120.00 - gasoline
P750.00 - packs of instant pancit mami
P70.00 - tricycle fare of 7 people to and from Catungan II (kontrata)
P15.00 - cell phone load for the assistant project manager
P150.00 - live chicken for the first placer
P9.00 - part of the Palawan Pawnshop service charge for the sending from Taguig to Antique of an amount that included the P150.00 that was used to purchase the live chicken
Total - P2,048.43
Paindis-indis sa Table Tennis tuhoy sa Villahermosa 2010 – Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P100.00 - an anonymous official of the association
Total - P100.00
P100.00 - prize for the winner
Total - P100.00
Salvacion 2011 – Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
25 jackfruit seedlings - Provincial Agriculturist's Office
P500.00 - Mayor Joel P. Occeña
P500.00 - SB Member Donna Chris Yan
P200.00 - SB Member Sebastian V. Butiong
P100.00 - Vice Mayor Felipe D. Lacsama Jr.
P100.00 - SB Member Erlinda Odango-Niquia
P100.00 - Linlin's Store
P100.00 - Magnolia Store
P1,358.50 - an anonymous official of the association
Total - P3,158.50 plus 25 jackfruit seedlings
P75.00 - rent of a computer at an internet shop (five hours)
P16.00 - faxing of a letter to the Provincial Agriculturist's Office
P22.50 - board paper for the certificates (Vellum Orange)
P8.00 - printing of eight certificates for the winners
P1.00 - printing of a certificate for the Barangay Council of Salvacion
P1.00 - printing of a certificate for the Sangguniang Kabataan of Salvacion
P1,000.00 - rent of a jeepney (the owner, Eliseo A. Rojo, provided a P500.00 discount)
P485.00 - cooked rice and three dishes (purchased at Bong's Eatery through the SK chairperson of Salvacion)
P440.00 - two containers of Sorbetes (2.4 liters each; purchased through the SK chairperson of Salvacion)
P180.00 - three liters of gasoline for the motorcycle of the project manager
P700.00 - one hundred packs of instant mami noodles
P20.00 - one pack of cellophane
P60.00 - ten packs of King Flakes
P150.00 - live native chicken for the first placer
Total - P3,158.50
Pinasahi nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom Agosto 2012
P190.00 - an anonymous official of the Sibalom Chess Association
Total - P190.00
P100.00 - four servings of spaghetti
P60.00 - three slices of cake
P30.00 - one liter of 7-Up
Total - P190.00
District 1 2012 – Pangbata nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P1,729.00 - an anonymous official of the association
one live native chicken - District I SK Chairperson John Mark Antolino
one jackfruit seedling - Barangay Council of District I
Total - P1,729.00 plus one live native chicken, and one jackfruit seedling
P200.00 - sent to the project manager on December 14, 2012
P10.00 - service charge at Palawan Pawnshop for the sending of P200.00 from Metro Manila to Antique
P800.00 - sent to the project manager on December 11, 2012
P34.00 - service charge at Palawan Pawnshop in sending P800.00 from Metro Manila to Antique
P500.00 - sent to the SK chairperson of District I on December 11, 2012
P25.00 - service charge at Palawan Pawnshop in sending P500.00 from Metro Manila to Antique
P150.00 - sent to the assistant project manager on December 11, 2012
P10.00 - service charge at Palawan Pawnshop in sending P150.00 from Metro Manila to Antique
Total - P1,729.00
Tigbalua II 2012 – Pangpamatan-un nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P2,458.50 - an anonymous official of the association
jackfruit seedlings - Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office
Total - P2,458.50 (?) plus jackfruit seedlings
P700.00 - sent to the barangay captain of Tigbalua II on December 21, 2012
P32.00 (?) - service charge at Palawan Pawnshop fro the sending of P700.00 from Metro Manila to the barangay captain of Tigbalua II
P25.00 - service charge at Palawan Pawnshop for the sending of P700.00 from Metro Manila to the assistant project manager
P800.00 - sent to the project manager on December 11, 2012
P34.00 - service charge at Palawan Pawnshop for the sending of P800.00 from Metro Manila to the project manager in Antique
P22.00 - service charge at Palawan Pawnshop for the sending of P450.00 from Metro Manila to the assistant project manager in Antique
P152.00 - sent to the project manager on December 11, 2012
P10.00 - service charge at Palawan Pawnshop for the sending of P152.00 from Metro Manila to the project manager in Antique
P25.00 - service charge at Palawan Pawnshop for the sending of P500.00 from Metro Manila to a member of the association in Antique who handed the money to the assistant project manager
P97.50 - special paper (assistant project manager)
P16.00 - printing of documents (assistant project manager)
P2.00 - brown envelope (assistant project manager)
P5.00 - ball pen (assistant project manager)
P15.00 - tricycle fare for seedlings (assistant project manager)
P23.00 - printing of certificates (assistant project manager)
P100.00 - two batteries for a digital camera (assistant project manager)
P150.00 - live duck (assistant project manager)
P50.00 - fuel for a motorcycle (assistant project manager)
P200.00 - tricycle fare for the player (assistant project manager)
Total - P2,458.50 (?)
Igpanolong 2012 – Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P3,000.00 - An Antiqueña Who Called From France
jackfruit seedlings - Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office
Total - P3,000.00 plus jackfruit seedlings
P2,000.00 - sent to the assistant project manager on December 24, 2012
P70.00 - service charge at Palawan Pawnshop for the sending of P2,000.00 from Metro Manila to the assistant project manager in Antique
P350.00 - sent to the assistant project manager on December 29, 2012
? - service charge at Palawan Pawnshop for the sending of P350.00 from Metro Manila to the assistant project manager in Antique
Total - P2,420.00 plus ?
Pinasahi nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom Disyembre 2012
P100.00 (extra cash from the contribution of An Antiqueña Who Called From France regarding Igpanolong 2012 -- Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom) - Coke
around 10 packs of pancit canton (surplus from Igpanolong 2012 -- Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom)
Total - P100.00 plus around 10 packs of pancit canton
District 2 2013 -- Pangbata nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P2,513.00 - an anonymous official of the association
one live native chicken - SK Chairperson Esther Janine G. Manalo
20 fruit tree seedlings - Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office
20 fruit tree seedlings - Provincial Agriculture Office
Total - P2,513.00 plus one live native chicken, and 40 fruit tree seedlings
P5.00 - fee at Palawan Pawnshop for the sending of P100.00 to the assistant project manager on August 27, 2013
P23.00 - fee at Palawan Pawnshop for the sending of 500.00 to the project manager on August 28, 2013
P5.00 - fee at Palawan Pawnshop for the sending of P100.00 to the assistant project manager on August 29, 2013
P15.00 - fee at Palawan Pawnshop for the sending of P300.00 to the project manager on August 30, 2013
P70.00 - fee at Palawan Pawnshop for the sending of P1,700.00 to the SK chairperson of District 2 on August 30, 2013
P31.00 - computer rental on August 28, 2013
P82.00 - printing of documents on August 28, 2013
P2.00 - brown envelope on August 28, 2013
P7.00 – tricycle fare in going to Fornier Elementary School on August 29, 2013
P10.00 – compensation to a tricycle driver for the sending of two letters to Ilanot Elementary School on August 29, 2013
P10.00 – compensation to a tricycle driver for the sendng of two letters to Bari Elementary School on August 29, 2013
P13.00 – jeepney fair in going to San Jose de Buenavista on August 29, 2013
P7.00 – tricycle fare in going to Gian’s on August 29, 2013
P99.00 - three sets board paper (P33.00 each) on August 29, 2013
P54.00 – twelve black ball pens (P4.50 each) on August 29, 2013
P50.00 – lunch in San Jose de Buenavista on August 29, 2013
P7.00 – tricycle fare in going to the Provincial Agriculture Office on August 29, 2013
P8.00 – tricycle in going to the jeepney terminal in Dalipe on August 29, 2013
P13.00 – tricycle fare in going to Sibalom on August 29, 2013
P50.00 – fuel for the motorcycle in going to Ilabas Elementary School, ABC Elementary School, Pangpang Elementary School and BarRocks on August 29, 2013
P16.00 – cell phone load on August 29, 2013
P13.00 – computer rental and printing (3 pesos for the printing) on August 29, 2013
P7.00 – tricycle fare in going to an internet shop on August 30, 2013
P15.00 – computer rental for the editing and printing of the letter to the principal of Sibalom Elementary School, the printing of the letter to LSD Child Study Center, and the posting of expenses on Facebook on August 30, 2013
P7.00 – tricycle fare in going to LSD Child Study Center on August 30, 2013
P8.00 – tricycle fare in going from LSD Child Study Center to Cubay Sermon on August 30, 2013
P10.00 – tricycle fare in going to Pangpang to get the seedlings on August 30, 2013
P15.00 – tricycle fare in bringing the seedlings to the Poblacion of Sibalom on August 30, 2013
P7.00 – tricycle fare in bringing the seedlings from the municipal hall area to the venue on August 30, 2013
P90.00 – bottles of C2 (P15.00 each), six packs of biscuits (P6.00 each) as merienda of a few participants while waiting for the event to begin on August 31, 2013
P45.00 – additional bottles of C2 on August 31, 2013
P10.00 – tricycle fare in buying plastic on August 31, 2013
P10.00 – plastic on August 31, 2013
P30.00 – given to Christian Dave D. Manuel in fetching his elder brother on August 31, 2013
P25.00 - internet rental and printing of certificate (P13.00 for the printing of thirteen certificates) on August 31, 2013
P20.00 – tricycle fare in going to an internet shop for the printing of certificates on August 31, 2013
P7.00 - tricycle fare in going to an internet shop on September 1, 2013 to upload pictures and post expenses
P30.00 - computer rental on September 1, 2013
P45.00 - computer rental (three hours)
P2.00 - printing of two copies of a letter of invitation to a high school student for the giving of an entertainment number which eventually did not push through because he had to participate in a camping
P10.00 - tricycle fare in going to the venue
P10.00 - tricycle fare in going to Ilabas
P100.00 - three kilos of dalandan
P105.00 - one and a half kilo of lanzones
P100.00 - two kilos of rambutan
P80.00 - bananas
P15.00 - ribbon
P10.00 - Magic Sarap
P10.00 - garlic and onion
P10.00 - tomatoes
P280.00 - two kilos of pork
P60.00 - jackfruit
P50.00 - softdrinks
P55.00 - tricycle fare
P20.00 - plastic cups
P70.00 - one additional kilo of lanzones
P125.00 - two kilos of atis
P90.00 - 11 pieces of plastic lantern
P10.00 - batwan
P5.00 - cooking oil
P60.00 - batteries of a digital camera
P100.00 - rice
P55.00 - pineapple juice
P10.00 - ice
P30.00 - cell phone load
P30.00 - computer rental for the uploading of pictures
P40.00 - monggo
Total - P2,513.00
Nazareth 2013 -- Pangpamatan-un nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P2,028.00 (incomplete) - an anonymous official of the association
20 fruit tree seedlings - Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office
Total - P2,028 (incomplete) plus 20 fruit tree seedlings
P48.00 - rental of computer and printing of documents
P120.00 - fuel for the motorcycle
P700.00 - lunch for the participants (given to the barangay captain of Nazareth)
P205.00 - transportation allowance of players from outside of the poblacion P100.00 - rental of tricycle
P30.00 - mineral water (two 500 mL bottles)
P25.00 - snacks (13.00 for one bottle of Coke and 12.00 for two packs of biscuits)
P800.00 - various fruits
P150.00 - live duck
P60.00 - fuel for the motorcycle
Total - P2,238.00 (incomplete)
Igsuming 2013 -- Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P3,154.00 - an anonymous official of the association
20 fruit tree seedlings - Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office
Total - P3,154.00 plus 20 fruit tree seedlings
P130.00 - fee at Palawan Pawnshop for the sending of P3,600.00 to the project manager on December 30, 2013
P1,100.00 - fruits (bought by the assistant project manager)
P1,00.00 - rental of vehicle in going to Igsuming
P276.00 - dressed chicken
P150.00 - fish (2 kilos)
P30.00 - cooking oil (1 lapad)
P10.00 - soy sauce
P10.00 - a sachet of Maggi Magic Sarap
P10.00 - onions
P10.00 - garlic
P5.00 - paminta
P40.00 - kamote
P70.00 - cabbage
P24.00 - tricycle fare for bringing food from Tigbalua I to the poblacion
P24.00 - tricycle fare for bringing food containers from the poblacion to Tigbalua I
P10.00 - round-trip tricycle fare within the poblacion
P120.00 - transportation allowance for the participants from Cabladan
P20.00 - additional transportation allowance for the participants from Cabladan
P100.00 - transportation allowance for the participant from Nagdayao
P15.00 - computer rental by an officer of the association for the uploading of pictures
P150.00 - live duck
Total - P3,304.00
District 3 2014 -- Pangbata nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P3,046.00 - an anonymous official of the association
20 fruit tree seedlings - Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office
Total - P3,046.00 plus 20 fruit tree seedlings
P2.00 - corresponding cost of sending P20.00 via Palawan Pawnshop on December 18, 2014 (sent P100.00 but only P20.00 of that amount was spent for the event)
P38.00 - corresponding cost of sending P1,300.00 via Palawan Pawnshop on December 18, 2014 (sent P1,400.00 but only P1,300.00 of that amount was spent for the event)
P43.00 - corresponding cost of sending P1,389.00 via Palawan Pawnshop on December 18, 2014 (sent P1,500.00 but only P1,389.00 of that amount was spent for the event)
P8.00 - corresponding cost of sending P66.00 via Cebuana Pawnshop on December 19, 2014 (sent P4,500.00 but only P66.00 of that amount was spent for the event)
P10.00 - internet access
P10.00 - printing of documents
P20.00 - pamasahe (back and forth)
P180.00 - pamasahe kang pira ka tagpasakup
P50.00 - pamasahe kang mga gutok
P30.00 - printing kang pira ka mga dokyumento
P14.00 - pamasahe para sa printing kang mga dokyumento
P200.00 - cell phone load
P66.00 - two sets of board paper, P33.00 per set
P28.00 - printing kang dugang nga mga dokyumento
P14.00 - pamasahe para sa printing kang dugang nga mga dokyumento
P14.00 - pamasahe para sa pag-uli kang mga gamit
P30.00 - paper plates
P15.00 - plastic spoons
P12.00 - plastic cups
P175.00 - 4 1/2 kilo nga Japanese rice, P39.00/kilo
P20.00 - tubig
P10.00 - ice
P320.00 - 2 kilo nga baboy
P100.00 - 4 ka baso nga kadyus
P50.00 - langka
P5.00 - batwan
P12.00 - Knorr cubes
P5.00 - sibuyas
P5.00 - ahos
P5.00 - kamatis
P10.00 - mantika
P10.00 - toyo
P5.00 - toktok uwak (katumbal)
P20.00 - pamasahe
P30.00 - uring
P100.00 - gasolina para sa paghatud kang igma kag tubig
P1,200.00 - fruits and lantern paper
P180.00 - live native chicken
Total - P3,046.00
Alangan 2014 -- Pangpamatan-un nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P2,615.00 - an anonymous official of the association
live native chicken - Alangan Barangay Captain Nilo A. Odiada
20 fruit tree seedlings - Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office
Total - P2,615.00 plus one live native chicken, and 20 fruit tree seedlings
P81.00 - corresponding cost of sending P2,610.00 via Palawan Pawnshop on December 21, 2014 (sent P3,000.00 but only P2,610.00 of that amount was spent for the event)
P8.00 - corresponding cost of sending P66.00 via Cebuana Pawnshop on December 19, 2014 (sent P4,500.00 but only P66.00 of that amount was spent for the event)
P180.00 - two gantas of rice
P329.00 - two kilos of pork
P120.00 - kadyus
P20.00 - langka
P5.00 - sibuyas
P5.00 - ahos
P5.00 - mantika
P4.00 - one sachet of Maggi Magic Sarap
P10.00 - batwan
P5.00 - katumbal labug
P5.00 - toyo
P5.00 - langgaw
P44.00 - four litro packs of powdered juice
P10.00 - ice
P250.00 - 5 kilo ka dalandan
P60.00 - 2 kilo ka atis
P300.00 - 15 ka mansanas, P20.00 kada bilog
P270.00 - 3 kilo nga mangga
P275 - 22 ka orange, 2 ka bilog kada P25.00
P99.00 - 11 ka metro nga latern paper, P9.00 kada metro
P210.00 - gintugro sa driver kang munisipyo para sa krudo kang canter
P150.00 - suhol sa taga-Alangan nga nagraha kang igma
P50.00 - gintugro sa sangka kagawad kang Alangan para sa juice kag ice
P25.00 - internet access
P24.00 - transportation fare
P66.00 - two sets of board paper, P33.00 per set
Total - P2,615.00
Villafont 2014 -- Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P2,375.00 - an anonymous official of the association
live native chicken - Villafont Barangay Captain Reynaldo E. Belleza
20 fruit tree seedlings - Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office
Total - P2,375.00 plus one live native chicken, and 20 fruit tree seedlings
P23.00 - fee for sending P500.00 via Palawan Pawnshop on December 18, 2014
P95.00 - corresponding cost of sending P1,414.00 via Cebuana Pawnshop on December 19, 2014 (sent P4,500.00 but only P1,414.00 of that amount was spent for the event)
P23.00 - fee for sending P500.00 via Palawan Pawnshop on December 28, 2015
P1,150.00 - fruits
P60.00 - two liters of Coke for lunch
P515.00 - fare of players
P24.00 - wrapper
P20.00 - internet access
P100.00 - cell phone load
P100.00 - gasoline
P12.00 - three plastic bags
P12.00 - rubber bands
P66.00 - two sets of board paper, P33.00 per set
P50.00 - ten ball pens
P50.00 - transportation fare
P15.00 - internet access and printing of documents
P60.00 - internet access and printing of certificates
Total - P2,375.00
District 4 2015 -- Pangbata nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P2,047.34 - from extra funds
P1,171.66 - an anonymous official of the association
live native chicken - District IV Barangay Captain Jose D. Armamento
20 fruit tree seedlings - Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office
Total - P3,219.00 plus one live native chicken, and 20 fruit tree seedlings
P22.00 - estimated cost of the P400.00 portion of the P1,800.00 that was sent via Cebuana Pawnshop to a member (MRMC; only P400.00 was spent for the event because the rest was mostly spent on the purchase of chess boards)
P150.00 - service fee at Cebuana Pawnshop for the sending of P2,700.00 to a member (JJPC)
P5.00 - service fee at Palawan Pawnshop for the sending of P100.00 to a member (JJPC)
P21.00 - tricycle fare of a member (JJPC) and the project manager and a chaperone in going to the home of the barangay captain of District IV
P1.00 - printing of letter to the Barangay Council of District IV (?)
P10.00 - approximate cost of internet use (?)
P4.00 - printing of a letter to Fornier Elementary School, to Sta. Rita Academy, to Sibalom Central Elementary School, and to LSD Child Study Center (?)
P10.00 - approximate cost of internet use (?)
P160.00 - fish
P100.00 - jackfruit
P20.00 - batwan
P70.00 - cooking oil
P5.00 - salt
P2.00 - vetsin
P233.00 - two gantas of rice
P338.00 - pork
P140.00 - monggo
P1,200.00 - various fruits
P100.00 - lantern paper and transportation fare
P45.00 - board paper
P41.00 - computer rental and printing of documents
P107.00 - transportation fare
P180.00 - P30.00 per trip x 3 persons (two participants and one chaperone from Villafont) x 2 trips (back and forth)
P20.00 - P10.00 transportation allowance of a participant from San Juan (Tagbakan) per trip x two trips (back and forth)
P20.00 - P10.00 per trip of the photographer from Cubay Napultan x two trips (back and forth)
P160.00 - P16.00 per trip x 5 participants from Tigbalua I x two trips (back and forth)
P40.00 - other transportation expenses
P15.00 - computer rental to upload the pictures from cell phone
Total - P3,219.00
Esperanza III 2015 -- Pangpamatan-un nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P3,961.00 - from extra funds
live native chicken - Esperanza III Barangay Captain Ben A. Sumugat
25 fruit tree seedlings - Provincial Agriculture Office
Total - P3,961.00 plus one live native chicken, and 25 fruit tree seedlings
P275.00 - 22 apples
P275.00 - 22 oranges
P280.00 - 11 mangoes
P300.00 - 3 kilos of kiat-kiat
P60.00 - lantern paper
P12.00 - rubber band
P400.00 - 2.5 kilos of pork
P120.00 - kadyos
P50.00 - jackfruit
P280.00 - fish
P40.00 - cooking oil
P10.00 - salt
P5.00 - garlic
P10.00 - onion
P5.00 - ginger
P5.00 - batwan
P5.00 - vinegar
P5.00 - soy sauce
P12.00 - Magic Sarap
P240.00 - 3 gantas of rice
P72.00 - transportation of two residents of Esperanza III from the barangay to the Sibalom Public Market and back
P1,500.00 - rental of a jeepney for the transportation of participants from the poblacion to Esperanza III and back
Total - P3,961.00
Imparayan 2015 -- Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P4,519.00 - from extra funds
live native chicken - the family of Helvert Embellado
25 fruit tree seedlings - Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office
Total - P4,519.00 plus one live native chicken, and 25 fruit tree seedlings
P243.00 - 3 gantas of rice
P400.00 - 2.5 kilos of pork
P250.00 - 2 kilos of fish
P275.00 - 22 apples
P220.00 - 22 oranges
P390.00 - 11 mangoes
P300.00 - 3 kilos of kiat-kiat
P50.00 - jackfruit
P100.00 - kadyos
P40.00 - cooking oil
P10.00 - salt
P5.00 - garlic
P10.00 - onion
P5.00 - ginger
P5.00 - batwan
P5.00 - soy sauce
P99.00 - lantern paper
P12.00 - rubber band
P100.00 - transportation of a resident of Imparayan from the barangay to the Sibalom Public Market and back
P2,000.00 - rental of jeepney for the transportation of participants from the poblacion to Imparayan and back
Total - P4,519.00
Pang-agda nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Imparayan 2016
P178.00 - an anonymous official of the association
Total - P178.00
P175.00 - prizes
P3.00 - envelopes
Total - P178.00
District 1 2016 -- Pangbata nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P2,065.00 (approximately) - from extra funds
live native chicken - District I Barangay Secretary Betsy Rafols
two gantas of rice - District I Barangay Captain Eriberto C. Otayde
fruit tree seedlings - Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office
Total - P2,065.00 plus one live native chicken, two gantas of rice, and fruit tree seedlings
P800.00 - mga dapli
P275.00 - eleven green and red apples, P25.00 each
P220.00 - twenty-two ponkans, P10.00 each
P330.00 - twenty-two pears, P15.00 each
P220.00 - twenty-two Fuji apples, P10.00 each
P220.00 - eleven oranges, P20.00 each
Total - P2,065.00 plus one live native chicken, 2 gantas of rice, and fruit tree seedlings
Pasong 2016 -- Pangpamatan-un nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P1,448.00 - from extra funds
P600.00 - Board Member Santiago "Bingbing" J. Lotilla IV
P500.00 - Councilor Member Donna Chris Yan
P200.00 - Councilor Member Rey . Denosta
P100.00 - Councilor Kazy V. Butiong
live native chicken - Pasong Barangay Kagawad Ricky Cabreros
fruit tree seedlings - Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office
lantern paper - Nowena
Total - P2,848.00 plus one live native chicken, and fruit tree seedlings
P240.00 - two kilos of pork (kahig)
P160.00 - one kilo of pork (laman)
P250.00 - kadyos
P175.00 - two gantas of rice
P100.00 - saging
P50.00 - kamote
P25.00 - langka
P70.00 - panakut
P40.00 - transportation fare
P275.00 - eleven green apples, P25.00 each
P330.00 - twenty-two pears, P15.00 each
P220.00 - twenty-two ponkans, P10.00 each
P220.00 - eleven oranges, P20.00 each
P220.00 - twenty-two Fuji apples, P10.00 each
P30.00 - sobre
P163.00 - photocopying of documents
P20.00 - computer rental
P30.00 - tricycle fare regarding fruit tree seedlings
P100.00 - fuel
30 - lastiko
P100.00 - battery
Total - P2,848.00 plus one live native chicken, fruit tree seedlings, and lantern paper
Pang-agda nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Villafont 2016
P175.00 plus ? - an anonymous official of the association
Total - P175.00 plus ?
P175.00 - prizes
? - service fee for the sending of P100.00 to the first placer
Total - P175.00 plus ?
Bongbongan I 2016 -- Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom
P3,001.00 (at least) - Beth Saiyo
fruit tree seedlings - Provincial Agriculture Office
Total - P3,001.00, and fruit tree seedlings
P1,265.00 - fruits
P570.00 - transportation allowances
P150.00 - live native chicken
Total - P1,985.00, and fruit tree seedlings
Pang-agda nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Nagdayao 2017
P175.00 plus ? - an anonymous official of the association
Total - P175.00 plus ?
P175.00 - prizes
? - service fee for the sending of P175.00 to Sibalom
Total - P175.00 plus ?
Pang-agda nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Igsuming 2017
P175.00 plus ? - an anonymous official of the association
Total - P175.00 plus ?
P175.00 - prizes
? - service fee for the sending of P175.00 to Sibalom
Total - P175.00 plus ?
Pang-agda nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Bari 2017
P175.00 plus ? - an anonymous official of the association
Total - P175.00 plus ?
P175.00 - prizes
? - service fee for the sending of P175.00 to Sibalom
Total - P175.00 plus ?
Pang-agda nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Imparayan 2017
P375.00 plus ? - an anonymous official of the association
Total - P375.00 plus ?
P175.00 - prizes
? - service fee for the sending of P175.00 to Sibalom
P200.00 - transportation allowance for a participant
? - service fee for the sending of P200.00 to Sibalom
Total - P375.00 plus ?
Pang-agda nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Catmon 2017
P175.00 plus ? - an anonymous official of the association
P500.00 - Catmon Barangay Council
Total - P675.00 plus ?
P675.00 - prizes
? - service fee for the sending of P175.00 to Sibalom
Total - P675.00 plus ?
District 2 2017 -- Pangbata nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Sibalom
P774.00 - from extra funds
P300.00 - HD Store
live native chicken - District 2 Barangay Kagawad Gilberto V. Antolino
19 fruit tree seedlings - Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office
Total - P1,074.00 plus one live native chicken, and 19 fruit tree seedlings
P19.00 - competition-related documents
P5.00 - coordination letters
P3.00 - solicitation letter
P7.00 - tricycle fare from Tindahan to District 2 Child Development Center
P80.00 - ten pieces of lantern paper
P5.00 - lastiko
P100.00 - kiat-kiat
P110.00 - eleven ponkans
P80.00 - eleven bananas
P170.00 - eleven apples
P165.00 - eleven pears
P330.00 - eleven oranges
Total - P1,074.00 plus one live native chicken, and 19 fruit tree seedlings
Catungan I 2017 -- Pangpamatan-un nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Sibalom
P1,000.00 - Mayor Joel P. Occeña
P500.00 - Vice Governor Edgar D. Denosta
P500.00 - Councilor Donna Chris Yan
P200.00 - Vice Mayor Zoilo Bernardo E. Tubianosa
P150.00 - Councilor Felipe D. Lacsama Jr.
P100.00 - Councilor Virginia Garcia-Lotilla
P50.00 - Magnolia Store
live native chicken - Catungan I Barangay Captain Bimbo Batchitsa
23 fruit tree seedlings - Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office
Total - P2,400.00 plus one live native chicken, and 23 fruit tree seedlings
P10.00 - printing of competition-related documents
P21.00 - printing of seven solicitation letters
P55.00 - one liter of fuel for motorcycle trips on the day of the event
P55.00 - one liter of fuel for motorcycle trips regarding solicitation letters
P14.00 - tricycle fare in going to District II Barangay Hall and then to the Catungan I tricycle terminal
P30.00 - skylab fare in going to Tigbalua I and then to Catungan I
P50.00 - tricycle fare in going to Catungan I with chess boards (the driver offered to leave immediately in exchange for the amount, and the offer was accepted, considering that at that time, only one passenger was on board, and it might take a long while before the tricycle would be filled up)
P30.00 - skylab fare in going to a house in District 2 with chess boards
P10.00 - kamatis
P10.00 - sibuyas
P4.00 - vetsin
P4.00 - Magic Sarap
P10.00 - dahon ka sibuyas
P200.00 - isda
P100.00 - kiat-kiat
P185.00 - eleven mangoes
P65.00 - eleven bananas
P110.00 - eleven ponkans
P110.00 - eleven apples
P165.00 - eleven pears
P330.00 - eleven big oranges
Total - P1,568.00 plus one live native chicken, and 23 fruit tree seedlings
Lagdo 2017 -- Sinipal kang Chess sa Sibalom
P500.00 - Mayor Joel P. Occeña
P500.00 - Antique Electric Cooperative, Inc.
P717.00 - from extra funds
two live native chickens - Lagdo Barangay Captain Rolly Condes
34 fruit tree seedlings - Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office
Total - P1,717.00 plus one live native chicken, and 34 fruit tree seedlings
P16.00 - printing of competition-related documents
P2.00 - printing of coordination-related letters
P10.00 - printing of ten letters of invitation to ten prospective participants
P150.00 - skylab fare in going to Cabariuan, Esperanza 3, District 4, District 1, and District 2
P88.00 - tarong
P79.00 - amargoso
P25.00 - latoy
P40.00 - kurbasa
P4.00 - Magic Sarap
P24.00 - eggs
P150.00 - shrimps
P6.00 - sinigang
P10.00 - sibuyas
P10.00 - bawang
P10.00 - kamatis
P88.00 - eleven pieces of lantern paper
P35.00 - tricycle fare in going from Tindahan to the municipal plaza, a house in District II, the municipal plaza, the municipal nursery, and the municipal plaza
P35.00 - ten pieces of manila paper (P3.50 each)
P10.00 - two pieces of plastic bag (P5.00 each)
P120.00 - dalandan
P110.00 - eleven ponkans
P110.00 - eleven apples
P165.00 - eleven medium-sized oranges
P215.00 - eleven mangoes
P165.00 - eleven pears
P40.00 - eleven chicoes
Total - P1,717.00 plus one live native chicken, and 34 fruit tree seedlings
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Pis-anan 2018
P178.00 - from extra funds
Total - P178.00
P175.00 - prizes
P3.00 - envelopes
Total - P178.00
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Bari 2018
P178.00 - from extra funds
P200.00 - Councilor Rey D. Denosta
Total - P378.00
P375.00 - prizes
P3.00 - envelopes
Total - P378.00
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Imparayan 2018
P178.00 - from extra funds
Total - P178.00
P175.00 - prizes
P3.00 - envelopes
Total - P178.00
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Lagdo 2018
P250.00 - Lelit Aldip-Masmela
Total - P250.00
P175.00 - prizes
P3.00 - envelopes
P11.00 - tricycle fare in going to Cubay Napultan to get the money from the husband of the sponsor
P11.00 - tricycle fare in going from Cubay Napultan
P50.00 - gasoline for the motorcycle in going to Lagdo
Total - P250.00
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Sido 2018
P250.00 - from extra funds
Total - P250.00
P175.00 - prizes
P3.00 - envelopes
P7.00 - tricycle fare in going from the District 2 Barangay Hall to the municipal market area
P10.00 (?) - tricycle fare in going to Sido
P10.00 (?) - tricycle fare in going from Sido
P7.00 - tricycle fare in going from the municipal market area to District II
P7.00 - tricycle fare in going to the District 2 Barangay Hall
Total - P219.00
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Catmon 2018
P1,000.00 - Leonida "Eke" P. Orbegoso (proprietress of Catmon Grocery)
P500.00 - Francis "Boying" Barcelona
P500.00 - Simplicio "Ogie" Huera
Total - P2,000.00
P600.00 - prizes
P3.00 - envelopes
P7.00 - tricycle fare in going from the District 2 Barangay Hall to municipal market area
P20.00 - skylab fare in going to Catmon
P20.00 - skylab fare in going from Catmon
P7.00 - tricycle fare in going from the municipal market area to District II
P7.00 - tricycle fare in going to the District 2 Barangay Hall
P100.00 (?) - merienda
Total - P764.00
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Cubay Sermon 2018
P232.00 - from extra funds
Total - P232.00
P175.00 - prizes
P3.00 - envelopes
P8.00 - tricycle fare in going from the District 2 Barangay Hall
P8.00 - tricycle fare in going to the municipal market area
P20.00 - skylab fare in going to Catmon
P10.00 - tricycle fare in going from Catmon
P8.00 - tricycle fare in going to the District 2 Barangay Hall
Total - P232.00
Bukas nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Cubay Sermon 2018
P500.00 - John Kenneth C. Pagaduan
P3.00 - from extra funds
Total - P503.00
P500.00 - prize
P3.00 - envelopes
Total - P503.00
District 3 2018 -- Pangbata nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Sibalom
P1,586.00 - Jerdhel Jay R. Pelingon
P100.00 (?) - from extra funds
one live native chicken - Barangay Kagawad Mandhay M. Brigido
50 fruit tree seedlings - Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office
Total - P1,686.00 (?) plus one live native chicken, and 50 fruit tree seedlings
P8.00 - tricycle fare in getting the chess boards from the District 2 Barangay Hall
P8.00 - tricycle fare in bringing the chess boards to the District 3 Barangay Hall
P210.00 - korbasa
P40.00 - latoy
P20.00 - balunggay
P10.00 - Magic Sarap
P7.00 - Knorr (?)
P100.00 - gata
P6.00 - two pieces of board paper
P2.00 - printing of two certificates
P66.00 - lantern paper, 11 pieces, P6.00 per piece
P120.00 - one kilogram of lanzones
P500.00 - 52 pieces of ponkan
P500.00 - 20 pieces of apple, P25.00 per piece
Total - P1,694.00 (?) plus one live native chicken, and 50 fruit tree seedlings
Esperanza I 2018 -- Pangpamatan-un nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Sibalom
P1,000.00 - Mayor Joel P. Occeña
P500.00 - Councilor Donna Chris J. Yan
P500.00 - Gloria Cordero-Ardaña
P300.00 - an anonymous transportation ticket dealer
P100.00 (?) - from extra funds
one live native chicken - Esperanza I Barangay Council
50 fruit tree seedlings - Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office
Total - P2,400.00 (?) plus one live native chicken and 50 fruit tree seedlings
P8.00 - tricycle fare in getting the chess boards from the District II Barangay Hall
P50.00 - skylab fare (okupar) from market area to the home of a player in San Juan (to invite him; he was not at home, but was able to talk to him on the phone) and back
P60.00 - tricycle fare (okupar) in going from the market area to Esperanza I (to bring the chess boards and the seedlings) and back
P37.00 - korbasa
P100.00 - latoy
P30.00 - okra
P50.00 - amargoso
P50.00 - tarong
P10.00 - sibuyas bombay
P10.00 - ahos
P10.00 - kamatis
P10.00 - mantika
P15.00 - Magic Sarap
P200.00 - two gantas of rice
P80.00 - gasoline in going to the market area
P50.00 - bananas, P10.00 per four pieces
P105.00 - tricycle fare for seven passengers in going from the municipal plaza area to Esperanza I
P98.00 - tricycle fare in going from Esperanza I to the municipal plaza area
P66.00 - lantern paper, 11 pieces, P6.00 per piece
P120.00 - one kilogram of lanzones
P500.00 - 52 pieces of ponkan
P500.00 - 20 pieces of apple, P25.00 per piece
P10.00 (?) - computer rental
P6.00 - two pieces of board paper
P2.00 - printing of two certificates
P8.00 - tricycle fare in bringing the chess boards to the District 2 Barangay Hall
Total - P2,185.00 (?) plus one live native chicken, and 50 fruit tree seedlings
Luyang 2018 -- Sinipal kang Chess sa Sibalom
P2,000.00 - Representative Paolo Everardo S. Javier
P1,000.00 - Board Member Rony L. Molina
P1,000.00 - Vice Mayor Zoilo Bernardo E. Tubianosa
P500.00 - Vice Governor Edgar D. Denosta
P500.00 - Antique Electric Cooperative Inc.
P300.00 - Sangguniang Kabataan Provincial Federation President Mark F. Canja
one live native chicken - Luyang Barangay Council
21 fruit tree seedlings - Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office
Total - P5,200.00 plus one live native chicken, and 21 fruit tree seedlings
P8.00 - tricycle fare in bringing 10 chess boards from the District 2 Barangay Hall
P8.00 - tricycle fare in bringing 10 chess boards to the District 2 Barangay Hall
P15.00 - jeepney fare in going to San Jose de Buenavista
P10.00 - tricycle fare in going to the ANTECO main office
P10.00 - tricycle fare in going to the Antique Provincial Capitol
P10.00 - tricycle fare in going to Dalipe
P13.00 - tricycle fare in going to San Fernando
P13.00 - tricycle fare in going to Dalipe
P15.00 - jeepney fare in going to Sibalom
P15.00 - jeepney fare in going to San Jose de Buenavista
P13.00 - tricycle fare in going to San Fernando
P50.00 - fuel for multicab trip from San Fernando to District II via San Pedro
P15.00 - jeepney fare in going to San Jose de Buenavista
P10.00 - tricycle fare in going to the Antique Provincial Capitol
P10.00 - tricycle fare in going to the Binirayan Sports Complex
P10.00 - tricycle fare in going to the ANTECO main office
P10.00 - tricycle fare in going to the Dalipe
P15.00 - jeepney fare in going to Sibalom
P15.00 - jeepney fare in going to San Jose de Buenavista
P10.00 - tricycle fare in going to the Antique Provincial Capitol
P10.00 - tricycle fare in going to Dalipe
P10.00 - tricycle fare in going to Atabay
P30.00 - tricycle fare in going to Sibalom
P1,089.00 - fresh fruits
P66.00 - lantern paper, 11 pieces, P6.00 per piece
P13.00 - plastic bags for the seedlings
P70.00 - bananas, P10.00 per four pieces
P100.00 - fuel for tricycle trip from poblacion to Luyang and back
P100.00 - fuel for motorcycle trip from Villafont to Luyang ang back
P50.00 - tricycle fare in going from District II to Bari and back
P8.00 - tricycle fare in going to the Vedra residence
P8.00 - tricycle fare in going to Tibiao Bakery branch
P8.00 - tricycle fare in going to the Sibalom Public Market
P8.00 - tricycle fare in going to the Sibalom Municipal Plaza
P8.00 - tricycle fare in going to District II
P8.00 - tricycle fare in going to the Sibalom Municipal Plaza
P148.00 - four family-size bottles of Coke
P10.00 (?) - computer rental
P6.00 - two pieces of board paper
P2.00 - printing of two certificates
P200.00 (?) - cell phone load
P90.00 (?) - six hours of computer rental
Total - P2,317.00 (?) plus one live native chicken, and 21 fruit tree seedlings
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Villafont 2018
P341.00 - from the extra funds regarding Luyang 2019 -- Sinipal kang Chess sa Sibalom
Total - P341.00
P100.00 - first prize
P50.00 - second prize
P25.00 - third prize
P3.00 - envelopes
P55.00 (?) - bananas
P8.00 - tricycle fare in going from District 2 to the municipal market area
P30.00 - tricycle fare in going to Villafont
P55.00 - fuel for motorcycle
P15.00 (?) - one hour of computer rental
Total - P341.00
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Nagdayao 2019
P350.00 - Nagdayao Barangay Council
P332.00 - from the extra funds regarding Luyang 2019 -- Sinipal kang Chess sa Sibalom
Total - P682.00
P250.00 - first prize
P150.00 - second prize
P50.00 - third prize
P3.00 - three envelopes
P50.00 - cell phone load
P8.00 - tricycle fare in going from the District 2 Barangay Hall
P8.00 - tricycle fare in going to the municipal market area
P30.00 - skylab fare in going to Nagdayao
P50.00 - skylab fare in going from Nagdayao
P8.00 - tricycle fare in going to the District II Barangay Hall
P75.00 (?) - five hours of computer rental
Total - P682.00
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Panlagangan 2019
P287.00 - from the extra funds regarding Luyang 2019 -- Sinipal kang Chess sa Sibalom
Total - P287.00
P8.00 - tricycle fare in going from the District 2 the Sibalom Public Market area
P8.00 - printing of documents
P40.00 - skylab fare for two persons in going from the Sibalom Public Market area to Panlagangan
P3.00 - three envelopes
P100.00 - first prize
P50.00 - second prize
P25.00 - third prize
P8.00 - tricycle fare in going to the District 2 Barangay Hall
P45.00 (?) - three hours of computer rental
Total - P287.00
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Igsuming 2019
P466.50 - from the extra funds regarding Luyang 2019 -- Sinipal kang Chess sa Sibalom
Total - P466.50
P10.00 - computer rental
P150.00 - skylab fare in going from the District 3 to Villafont and then to Igsuming
P6.00 - printing of documents
P4.00 - manila envelope
P1.50 - three short envelopes
P100.00 - first prize
P50.00 - second prize
P25.00 - third prize
P50.00 - skylab fare in going from Maasin to Villafont
P55.00 - fuel for motorcycle trip from Villafont to District II
P15.00 (?)- computer rental
Total - P466.50
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Igpanolong 2019
P349.50 - from the extra funds regarding Luyang 2019 -- Sinipal kang Chess sa Sibalom
Total - P349.50
P10.00 - computer rental
P100.00 - skylab fare in going from the District 3 to Igpanolong
P4.00 - printing of documents
P4.00 - manila envelope
P1.50 - three short envelopes
P100.00 - first prize
P50.00 - second prize
P25.00 - third prize
P40.00 - skylab fare in going from Igpanolong to District 3
P15.00 (?)- computer rental
Total - P349.50
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Pis-anan 2019
P200.00 - Norman C. Ovivir
P111.50 (?) - from extra funds
Total - P311.50 (?)
P60.00 - skylab fare in going from District 3 to Pis-anan
P50.00 - skylab fare for a participant and a chaperone in going from Pis-anan to District III
P6.00 (?) - printing of documents
P4.00 - manila envelope
P1.50 - three short envelopes
P100.00 - first prize
P50.00 - second prize
P25.00 - third prize
P15.00 (?)- computer rental
Total - P311.50 (?)
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Bari 2019
P251.50 (?) - from extra funds
Total - P251.50 (?)
P50.00 - fuel for motorcycle of a participant
P6.00 (?) - printing of documents
P4.00 - manila envelope
P1.50 - three short envelopes
P100.00 - first prize
P50.00 - second prize
P25.00 - third prize
P15.00 (?)- computer rental
Total - P251.50 (?)
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Imparayan 2019
P321.50 (?) - from extra funds
Total - P321.50 (?)
P120.00 - skylab fare in going from District 3 to Imparayan, with the addition of two participants from Villafont
P6.00 (?) - printing of documents
P4.00 - manila envelope
P1.50 - three short envelopes
P100.00 - first prize
P50.00 - second prize
P25.00 - third prize
P15.00 (?)- computer rental
Total - P321.50 (?)
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Lagdo 2019
P250.00 - Lelit Aldip-Masmela
P126.50 (?) - from extra funds
Total - P376.50 (?)
P150.00 - skylab fare in going from District 3 to Lagdo
P25.00 - skylab fare for a participant in going from Lagdo to Cabariuan
P6.00 (?) - printing of documents
P4.00 - manila envelope
P1.50 - three short envelopes
P100.00 - first prize
P50.00 - second prize
P25.00 - third prize
P15.00 (?)- computer rental
Total - P376.50 (?)
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Bontol 2019
P321.50 (?) - from extra funds
Total - P321.50
P60.00 - skylab fare in going from District 3 to Bontol
P60.00 - skylab fare for in going from Bontol to a participant in going from Lagdo to Cabariuan
P6.00 (?) - printing of documents
P4.00 - manila envelope
P1.50 - three short envelopes
P100.00 - first prize
P50.00 - second prize
P25.00 - third prize
P15.00 (?)- computer rental
Total - P321.50 (?)
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Bululacao 2019
P175.00 - Edgar P. Valdellon
P306.50 (?) - from extra funds
Total - P481.50 (?)
P210.00 - skylab fare in going from District 3 to Bululacao
P70.00 - skylab fare in going from Calo-oy to District II
P6.00 (?) - printing of documents
P4.00 - manila envelope
P1.50 - three short envelopes
P100.00 - first prize
P50.00 - second prize
P25.00 - third prize
P15.00 (?)- computer rental
Total - P481.50 (?)
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Sido 2019
P250.00 - an anonymous native of Sido
P11.50 (?) - from extra funds
Total - P261.50 (?)
P10.00 - jeepney fare in going to Sido
P50.00 - fuel for the motorcycle of Joemyr
P6.00 (?) - printing of documents
P4.00 - manila envelope
P1.50 - three short envelopes
P100.00 - first prize
P50.00 - second prize
P25.00 - third prize
P15.00 (?)- computer rental
Total - P261.50 (?)
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Millamena 2019
P600.00 - Ronnel B. Pardos
P26.50 (?) - from extra funds
Total - P626.50 (?)
P6.00 (?) - printing of documents
P4.00 - manila envelope
P1.50 - three short envelopes
P300.00 - first prize
P200.00 - second prize
P100.00 - third prize
P15.00 (?)- computer rental
Total - P626.50 (?)
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Catmon 2019
P500.00 - Simplicio "Ogie" V. Huera
P1,000.00 - a portion of the extra funds from solicitations regarding Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Catmon 2018
Total - P1,500.00
P40.00 - skylab fare in going from District 3 to Catmon and vice versa
P40.00 - skylab fare in going from District 3 to Catmon and vice versa
P6.00 (?) - printing of documents
P4.00 - manila envelope
P1.50 - three short envelopes
P300.00 - first prize
P200.00 - second prize
P100.00 - third prize
P15.00 (?)- computer rental
Total - P706.50 (?)
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Calo-oy 2019
P351.50 (?) - from extra funds
Total - P351.50 (?)
P100.00 - skylab fare in going from District III to Calo-oy
P50.00 - fuel for the motorcycle of Jhun Aimar
P6.00 (?) - printing of documents
P4.00 - manila envelope
P1.50 - three short envelopes
P100.00 - first prize
P50.00 - second prize
P25.00 - third prize
P15.00 (?)- computer rental
Total - P351.50 (?)
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa District 3 2019
P936.00 - SK Municipal Federation President Marc Franco V. Pajarito
P26.50 (?) - from extra funds
Total - P962.50 (?)
P216.00 (?) - around 16 hamburgers
P20.00 (?) - two sachets of Milo
P20.00 (?) - two sachets of Kopiko 3-in-1 coffee
P80.00 (?) - eight sachets of Nescafe 3-in-1 coffee
P6.00 (?) - printing of documents
P4.00 - manila envelope
P1.50 - three short envelopes
P300.00 - first prize
P200.00 - second prize
P100.00 - third prize
P15.00 (?)- computer rental
Total - P962.50 (?)
District 4 2019 -- Pangbata nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Sibalom
P2,250.00 - Andrie C. Cabran
one live native chicken - Barangay Kagawad Pablo V. Morales
50 fruit tree seedlings - Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office
Total - P2,250.00 plus one live native chicken, and 50 fruit tree seedlings
P210.00 - kurbasa, 7 kilograms, P30.00 per kilogram
P50.00 - latoy, 1 kilogram
P10.00 - ahos, sibuyas
P12.00 - Magic Sarap
P10.00 - balunggay
P45.00 - luy-a
P50.00 - kalamay pula
P240.00 - saging sab-a
P70.00 - gata
P190.00 - bugas, 2 gantas
P50.00 - oring
P1,200.00 (?) - fruits
P8.00 - fare in bringing the chess boards to the District 4 Barangay Hall
P8.00 - fare in bringing the chess boards to the District 2 Barangay Hall
P8.00 - fare in going from the District 4 Barangay Hall to the Sibalom Public Market area
P66.00 (?) - lantern paper
P8.00 - fare in bringing the fruits to the District 4 Barangay Hall
P15.00 (?) - computer rental
Total - P2,250.00 (?) plus one live native chicken, and 50 fruit tree seedlings
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Cubay Sermon 2019
P250.00 - Andrie C. Cabran
Total - P250.00
P175.00 - prizes
P3.00 - envelopes
P8.00 - tricycle fare in going from the District 2 Barangay Hall
P8.00 - tricycle fare in going to the Sibalom Public Market area
P20.00 - skylab fare in going to Catmon
P20.00 - skylab fare in going to the Sibalom Public Market area
P8.00 - tricycle fare in going to District 2
P8.00 - tricycle fare in going to the District 2 Barangay Hall
Total - P250.00
Bukas nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Cubay Sermon 2019
P500.00 - John Kenneth C. Pagaduan
P3.00 - from extra funds
Total - P503.00
P500.00 - prize
P3.00 - envelopes
Total - P503.00
Panlagangan 2019 -- Pangpamatan-un nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Sibalom
P500.00 - J&A Tickets and Tours
P500.00 - Reggie Arron H. Barte
P500.00 - Andrie C. Cabran
P800.00 - Gloria Cordero-Ardaña
P120.00 - Ludgero C. Magdaug Jr.
one live native chicken - Sangguniang Kabataan Chairperson Romil E. Serviento
50 fruit tree seedlings - Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office
Total - P2,420.00 plus one live native chicken and 50 fruit tree seedlings
P8.00 - tricycle fare in bringing the chess boards to a compound in District 2
P40.00 - skylab fare in going to Panlagangan
P50.00 - motorcycle fuel
P16.00 - printing of documents
P8.00 - tricycle fare in bringing the chess boards to District 3
P120.00 - tricycle fare in going to Panlagangan
P250.00 - saging
P50.00 - amargoso
P10.00 - okra
P20.00 - latoy
P25.00 - Knorr
P15.00 - Magic Sarap
P20.00 - sibuyas
P20.00 - ahos
P15.00 - kamatis
P60.00 - monggo
P10.00 - kamatis
P60.00 - luy-a
P40.00 - gata
P65.00 - muscovado sugar
P180.00 - bugas
P75.00 - lantern paper, five pieces
P100.00 - ponkans, 10 pieces, P10.00 per piece
P250.00 - oranges, 10 pieces, P25.00 per piece
P250.00 - pears, 10 pieces, P25.00 per piece
P300.00 - apples, 30 pieces, P30.00 per piece
P125.00 - bananas, 10 pieces
P45.00 - computer rental
P6.00 - two pieces of board paper
P2.00 - printing of two certificates
P75.00 - tricycle fare in going to District 3
P8.00 - tricycle fare in bringing the chess boards to District 2
P50.00 - mobile phone load
Total - P2,368.00 plus one live native chicken and 50 fruit tree seedlings
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Villafont 2019
P248.00 - from extra funds
Total - P248.00
P70.00 - skylab fare in going to Villafont
P100.00 - first prize
P50.00 - second prize
P25.00 - third prize
P3.00 - envelopes
Total - P248.00
Bongbongan II 2019 -- Sinipal kang Chess sa Sibalom
P500.00 - ANTECO
P200.00 - Sharon Rose Store
P300.00 - Mark F. Canja
P500.00 - Gian Carlo F. Occeña
P500.00 - Zoilo Bernardo E. Tubianosa
P500.00 - Donna Chris Yan-Subong
P200.00 - Bartolome V. Bertolano II
P100.00 - Andrea Sealmoy-Odango
P100.00 - Evelyn Otayde-Francisco
one live native chicken - Barangay Captain of Bongbongan II
25 fruit tree seedlings - Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office
Total - P2,900.00 plus one live native chicken and 25 fruit tree seedlings
P75.00 - lantern paper, five pieces
P110.00 - apples, 11 pieces, P10.00 per piece
P275.00 - oranges, 11 pieces, P25.00 per piece
P110.00 - apples, 11 pieces, P10.00 per piece
P275.00 - pears, 11 pieces, P25.00 per piece
P100.00 - lakatan bananas, 11 pieces
P80.00 - longgan
P270.00 - dalandan, four kilograms, P60.00/kilogram
P45.00 - computer rental
P6.00 - two pieces of board paper
P2.00 - printing of two certificates
P8.00 - tricycle fare in going to District 3
P50.00 - tricycle fare in going to District 4; then to the livestock area, where the driver had to wait for a while; then to the municipla public market area
P120.00 - tricycle fare in going to Sido
P120.00 - tricycle fare in going to District 3
P50.00 - mobile phone load
Total - P1,696.00 (partial) plus one live native chicken and 50 fruit tree seedlings
Pang-agda nga Sinipal kang Chess sa Nagdayo 2020
P200.00 - Barangay Council of Nagdayao
P200.00 - Marc Franco V. Pajarito
P30.00 - from extra funds
Total - P430.00
P50.00 - skylab fare in going to Nagdayao
P100.00 - first prize
P75.00 - second prize
P50.00 - third prize
P100.00 - first prize in the side event
P50.00 - prize in the bonus round
P5.00 - envelopes
Total - P430.00
Note: The solicitations and expenses regarding a few other events are not posted because the pieces of paper documenting those solicitations and expenses were destroyed by the flood in June 2008 which had been brought about by Typhoon Frank. Dalum bay ang baha sa District 2 kato nga tyempo. Nagdurukut ang duro nga mga papel. May mga papel nga nagdurunot. Kag may mga papel nga nangin fragile. May mga litrato nga nagkararangga. Mayad lang gani hay duro man gawa nga mga dokyumento kag mga litrato ang na-recover. Medyo uti i ang pag-recover kang iban kananda; medyo budlay magseparar kang mga papel nga nagdururukut; kag medyo budlay mag-decipher kang nasulat sa mga papel nga fragile. Ginabutang sa internet ang mga records kang asosasyon para nga hulas sanda i-retrieve, kag para nga hindi sanda magkararangga ingkaso magbaha ruman sa Sibalom. Magaserbe run lang nga back-up ang mga rekord nga nabutang sa mga papel.
I am very impress with your association. You made accountability a priority. More power, longevity and success to your group.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much.
DeleteWhen is your next torneyo for this year.
ReplyDeleteWe still don't have a definite date for our next event which is the District I 2016 -- Pangbata nga Torneyo kang Chess sa Sibalom, but that event will be conducted at the District I Barangay Hall.